Saturday, March 20, 2010

Support the Chapel
Originally Posted to on Feb 24th, 2008

Took a guided tour of Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors this weekend in NYC with some friends. Been there a few times to share his work with others because his art is mind blowing and a must see. I once attended a full moon gathering back in 2005 with my friend Tony which was a great experience. 

This was the first time I've had the guided tour which I highly recommend for the ticket price of $20. You really get to see the work in a new light when Alex takes you through the philosophy and background behind each piece. This particular tour was unusual because it had the greatest number of people who ever attended at one time. There must have been between 50 and 100 people there and we couldn't all fit in the same room. 

Found out the chapel will be leaving it's present spot on 27th street to a new location until the final home is built north of the city in New York state. Alex showed us the model of the temple and said they needed to raise a lot more money before construction begins. The concept is very cool. It will be dedicated to housing Alex's art while serving as a sacred space to connect all the world's wisdom traditions together under one roof. 

More information about Alex Grey and his work can be found at the following links below:

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